Hypnotherapy for Functional dyspepsia

Hypnotherapy for Functional dyspepsia

Hypnotherapy for Functional dyspepsia Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a disorder of the digestion, specifically movement and sensation in the gut are not acting appropriately. In FD the reason for this failure to act properly cannot be observed in any physical sense,...

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Hypnotherapy testimonials

Hypnotherapy testimonials

I am going to ask you a question about hypnotherapy testimonials and I would like you to think about it before you answer. Should a hypnotherapist use testimonials? There are many reasons to be using testimonials as a hypnotherapist. Some sources say that testimonials...

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Overcoming procrastination

Overcoming procrastination

This week I’ve had two clients for whom overcoming procrastination has been an issue, this set me thinking, how big and serious an issue is procrastination anyway? Looking back over my years as both a therapist and an educator of therapists I’ve seen the problem occur...

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What is clinical supervision?

What is clinical supervision?

What is clinical supervision? Clinical supervision is a relationship between two therapists in which one (the supervisor) provides an opportunity for the other (the supervisee) to reflect upon their work with an aim of maintaining and improving the supervisee’s...

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