Testosterone boosting without the weights.

We all know that increased testosterone builds muscles mass, you may also be aware that testosterone is associated with;

  • Reduced body fat (Marin et al 1992)
  • Increased sexual performance in men (Jain et al 2000)
  • Increases strength (Urban et al 1995)
  • A higher number of sexual partners (Peters 2008)

So it is quite natural that a lot of people are interested in pumping up their testosterone levels… so to get those levels up, in addition to more exercise, you could try one of these scientifically tested novel testosterone boosting approaches

1. Dress to impress!

In a 2014 study male subjects were given either high status clothing (Business suit) or low status clothing (sweatpants), the men in the suits were found to have higher levels of testosterone. (Kraus & Mendes 2014). So up your sartorial game and up your testosterone

2. Remember you’re a winner!

A study of elite hockey players found that watching videos of previous victories boosted their testosterone, interestingly watching videos of loses appeared to have no negative effects (Carré & Putnam 2010). So reviewing your successes, even if you don’t have video may have a testosterone boosting power.

3. Live new girls!

Ok this one is probably only good for heterosexual men, and is based on a study of rats, but a classic study from 1975 (Macrides et al) found that testosterone in male lab rats spiked dramatically when they spent time with an unfamiliar female….and all I’m going to say about this guys is that high testosterone is associated with higher divorce rates.


Carré, J. M., & Putnam, S. K. (2010). Watching a previous victory produces an increase in testosterone among elite hockey players. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(3), 475-479.

Cumming, D. C., Brunsting 3rd, L. A., Strich, G. I. D. E. O. N., Ries, A. L., & Rebar, R. W. (1986). Reproductive hormone increases in response to acute exercise in men. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 18(4), 369-373.

JAIN, P., RADEMAKER, A. W., & MCVARY, K. T. (2000). Testosterone supplementation for erectile dysfunction: results of a meta-analysis. The Journal of urology, 164(2), 371-375.

Kraus, M. W., & Mendes, W. B. (2014). Sartorial symbols of social class elicit class-consistent behavioral and physiological responses: A dyadic approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(6), 2330.

Macrides, F., Bartke, A., & Dalterio, S. (1975). Strange females increase plasma testosterone levels in male mice. Science, 189(4208), 1104-1106.

Mårin, P., Holmäng, S., Jönsson, L., Sjöström, L., Kvist, H., Holm G., … & Björntorp, P. (1992). The effects of testosterone treatment on body composition and metabolism in middle-aged obese men. International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders: journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 16(12), 991-997.