by Matt Krouwel | Apr 17, 2018 | pornography addiction
Therapy for Pornography Addiction Several years ago, I was checking out of one of central London’s many shabby hotels. As I did so, the twenty-something man working on the desk was casually flicking through nude images on his phone. Clearly a guy who might...
by Matt Krouwel | Oct 5, 2017 | vaginismus
The Lamont scale of Vaginisimus Lamont developed a graded scale to classify Vaginismus.(in Pacik 2011) the scale is based upon response to a genealogical examination, however it may still be useful to those wishing to get some idea of the severity of their...
by Matt Krouwel | Oct 5, 2017 | pornography addiction
3 changes which can help with pornography addiction I have worked with pornography addiction for many years now, and I have identified a few simple changes that can really help. None of them is likely to wipe the problem away by itself but they will help limit it....
by Matt Krouwel | Nov 7, 2016 | addiction, pornography addiction
Porn addiction therapy – a look at the top 3 evidence based approaches Considering porn addiction therapy? In this article we take a look at 3 of the most well researched porn addiction therapy approaches (What is porn addiction?) . Porn addiction therapy...
by Matt Krouwel | Jun 30, 2016 | Sex addiction
Sex addiction therapy, what you need to know It’s unknown how many people experience and suffer from sex addiction or seek out sex addiction therapy as there is no clear definition of what sex addiction means. Certain behaviours and tendencies are common, for example:...