So I’m a fan of a Doctor in Gastroenterology!

Had you told me when I was young that I’d be a fan of a German Colon specialist I may well have questioned your sanity, but here I am a grown Man and a genuine fan of Doctor and Phd in gastroenterology Giulia Enders and her cool graphic designer sister.

If you are not familiar with Giulia Enders she is the author of the multimillion selling ‘Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ’ which has to be one of the friendliest books you’ll ever read on biology. Giulia’s style is fluid, clear and highly approachable. ‘Gut’ is probably the best book I read last year and a must read for anyone with a personal or professional interest in the gut and digestion.*

Ok enough general praise for Giulia (who I don’t know but feel like we’re on first name terms), I’m blogging today to bring to people’s attention her TED talk, its only short (14 minutes) and will be well worth it for any of you who want to learn a little more about digestion.  She of course also tweets (but mostly in German)

*I feel the need to point out I neither know her or in anyway financially benefit from her book, this is genuine enthusiasm.